The Everyday Intuition Group

March 17, 2025 7:30 — May 19, 2025 9:00pm

March 17-May 19th 2025

The Everyday Intuition Group

8 Monday Evenings (with breaks) 7:30-9pm EST starting 3/17/25!

This session we’ll be learning about how intuition needs joy in order to function well. Even in hard times. Even when we don’t think we can afford it. Even when we haven’t felt joy in a while. Join us to rescue joy in all of its manifestations~Beauty, Play, Fun. Intuition cannot function in an environment of fear, so Joy is the food we must feed it so it can sustain us.

Every single day we’re alive is an opportunity to listen to our intuition. This class supports what a real relationship with intuition looks like: it’s a living, breathing experience. Expecting to arrive at a perfect level of proficiency is a fantasy, and expecting to achieve mastery as the only way for it to be a powerful force for good is a set up for frustration. Instead, let’s joyfully embrace our intuition, every day!

As always, we practice Intuitive Meditation in class as part of our learning. You’ll also have the opportunity to be in community and make new friends. See you underneath the disco ball, Friends!

Note: this class is for you if you’ve had at least one private session with me, or taken my Intuition 101 class. It also has a pay-by-donation fee.

Register Now!

January 6, 2025 7:30 — February 24, 2025 9:00pm

The Everyday Intuition Group

8 Monday Evenings 7:30-9pm EST starting 1/6/2025!

The Master Class has a new name! Welcome to the Everyday Intuition Group, where we will be exploring together in the same way, with a different vibe.

Every single day we’re alive is an opportunity to listen to our intuition. So I’ve changed the name of this class to better reflect what a real relationship with intuition looks like: it’s a living, breathing experience. Expecting to arrive at a perfect level of proficiency is a fantasy, and expecting to achieve mastery as the only way for it to be a powerful force for good is a set up for frustration. Instead, let’s joyfully embrace our intuition, every day!

This session we’ll be learning about how intuition grounds us in our spirituality. Each week we’ll discuss a different spiritual principle (grace, miracles, generosity, gratitude, creativity, service, surrender, equanimity) and the unique ways we are directed to mindfully embrace them.

Life is constantly in motion, so the beginning of the year is the best time to get connected to ourselves. As always, we practice Intuitive Meditation in class as part of our learning. You’ll also have the opportunity to be in community and make new friends. See you underneath the disco ball, Friends!

Note: this class is for you if you’ve had at least one private session with me, or taken my Intuition 101 class. It also has a pay-by-donation fee.

Register Now!

The Everyday Intuition Group

September 30, 2024 7:30 — December 2, 2024 9:00pm

The Master Class has a new name! Welcome to the Everyday Intuition Group, where we will be exploring together in the same way, but with a different vibe.

Every single day we’re alive is an opportunity to listen to intuition. So I’ve changed the name of this class to better reflect what a real relationship with intuition looks like: it’s a living, breathing experience. Expecting to arrive at a “perfect” level of proficiency is a fantasy, expecting to achieve “mastery” for it to be a powerful force for good is a set up for frustration. Instead, let’s embrace our intuition, every day!

We’re also rocking it old school this session, in that I’m returning to a fun format that I used in the very first weeks of the very first iteration of this group (30+ years ago!). We’ll discuss a new topic every week, with two “free” weeks to either continue the discussion or throw in a new topic (you know I love to be spontaneous). As always, this group will be a safe place to learn about intuition and hear about how it’s happening for others. You’ll learn to practice intuitive meditation as well, all with the intention of becoming more confident in trusting and using your own intuition, everyday. Please note: the dates for this class include two weeks (11/4 and 11/11) when we won’t have class, but they are listed since Zoom gives me limited flexibility in scheduling a weekly class.

Mondays 7:30-9pm EST, starting 9/30: How Intuition Functions in Dreams 10/7: A Practical Guide to Our Guides 10/14: The Power of Gratitude 10/21: Past Lives and the Soul Group 10/28: Free Week/Class Choice 11/18: Radical Spiritual Creativity 11/25: Learning to Listen 12/2: Free Week/Class Choice

Note: this class is for you if you’ve had at least one private session with me, or taken my Intuition 101 class. It also has a pay-by-donation fee.

Register now

Summer Hygge Is About Being Comfortable In Your Own Skin No Matter What The Season

July 15, 2024 7:30 — September 9, 2024 9:00pm

This next series explores the question, can we trust our intuition no matter what? Even if we’re swimming in stormy waters? Life never stops being life, that seems to be a constant. And we happen to find ourselves crossroads continually, our personal challenges layered with cultural, communal, and civilization wide strife. So what do we do? Is it actually possible to be ok when everything is uncertain?
Yes. It is! And it starts with the grounding and nurturing energy that comes with something basic: giving ourselves permission to believe in ourselves. And we’re going to look at what needs to happen within to experience an unconditional trust in our intuition.
The Master Class is designed for those who want a safe space to practice this exact thing, and includes education, discussion, meditation, and lots and lots of thought exercises. It’s a 90-minute group over 8 Monday evenings, and each session focuses on a specific topic essential to a deeper understanding of what intuition is really about.

Owning Our Path: The Intuitive Guidance That Drives Our Purpose

April 22, 2024 | 7:30 — 9:00pm

Spring has sprung! In this session we will be breathing deeply into our relationships with ourselves, who we are, why we are here, and where we are headed. Pausing and centering ourselves brings the vision of who we are becoming into focus. We will be using a variety of different types of Intuitive Meditation to awaken a deeper compassion for ourselves and others. Register now.

Intuition Disco: Tune In, Trust, and Transform Your Work Life

April 19, 2024 | 12:00 — 1:30pm

Are you at a crossroads in your work life, seeking to make decisions that align with your true purpose? Whether you’re navigating your career path, running your own business, or exploring new opportunities, join us on the Intuition Disco dance floor for a 90-minute virtual workshop and Q&A designed to help you recognize, trust, and tune into your intuition. Register now.

Start Here: A monthly workshop for anyone who wants to connect with their intuition but doesn’t know where to start.

February 9, 2024 | 7:00 — 8:30pm

February 9th at 7pm ET


This year I’ll be hosting a monthly class I’ve created to field questions from anyone who has wondered how to build a better relationship with their intuition. I’ll be sharing the basics about intuition and how to discover yours, with simple exercises you can integrate into your daily life.

Master Class Session 14: Intuition and Self Care

January 29, 2024 7:30 — March 18, 2024 7:30pm

8 weeks, Mondays at 7:30pm ET starting January 29th
(please note, the Master Class requires completing Intuition 101 or having a private session with Susan) 

“Self care” is a popular buzzword but what does it really mean? How can we use our intuition to guide the practice of being there for ourselves? In this class, we’ll focus on practical action steps related to good self-care, but we’re also going to explore the power of allowing our intuition to manage the “care and feeding” of ourselves, as well as how to take good care of our intuition!

Intuition Lab: Experiments for Tapping into Your Career Creativity

January 26, 2024 | 12:00 — 1:30pm

Do you feel a sense that you’re meant for something MORE?

​Does an inner knowing tug at you that you are not fully utilizing your unique gifts?

​Are you seeking clarity and the confidence to take action in your one precious life?

​If so, this virtual workshop is for you! Join us for an intuitive journey to tap into your career purpose and potential.

​Together, we will:

​🔮 Explore why we perceive uncertainty and changes as threats, not portals
🔮 Question assumptions holding you back through insightful writing exercises
🔮 Learn simple rituals for accessing intuition and inner wisdom whenever you feel doubt
🔮 Discuss pathways to move from confusion to curiosity when plans unravel
🔮 Gain tools to begin building resilience in the face of the unknown

​What to expect:

​🌀 60 minutes of intuitive learning, journaling, and sharing, followed by an optional 30 minutes of Q&A and further exploration
🌀 Wisdom and teaching from a master intuitive guide
🌀 Journaling time for self-reflection and tuning into your intuition
🌀 Small group breakouts to share what you’ve uncovered
🌀 A judgment-free atmosphere to get curious and inspired

​You’ll leave feeling inspired, with a new perspective and customizable practices to continue connecting to your creative inner compass.

​About your hosts:

​Susan Gorman is an intuitive counselor with over three decades of experience working with individuals to help them tune into their inner knowing. A master teacher and guide, Susan has the ability to see the real you from a higher perspective. By sharing her gifts, she helps her clients gain fresh perspectives on situations in their lives and helps them trust what is already within them.

​Roz Duffy is a creativity coach and facilitator who followed several threads to arrive in Susan’s inbox in 2020 (what a year that was!). Since then, Susan has been her counselor, guide, and teacher, helping her tune into and trust her intuition, leading to exponential creative growth!


A Joyful Heart Part 2

September 26, 2020 11:00am — November 28, 2020 12:00pm

Everyday Intuition: A Joyful Heart 2 is starting Saturdays at 11 am EST, September 26th. Joy can seem like a luxury when we travel through times as uncertain and challenging as these, but it’s actually essential if we are to respond to our own lives and be able to transform within them. Whether the path is difficult or smooth, everything that happens in our lives can lead us to become more intuitive. This class continues the discussion about joy, but you don’t need to have taken the first session (or any other). Come join us and start learning!

A Joyful Heart 2 Registration

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Radical Spiritual Creativity

July 25, 2020 11:00 — September 12, 2020 12:00am

Saturdays at 11am-12pm ET, beginning July 25, 2020. Join Susan for Radical Spiritual Creativity, a course designed to help you have the life you really want. There is no limit to what you can create once you understand the power of your intuition and how it works in your life. Especially now, during this moment in our human history when many structures are breaking down, there is an opportunity for renewal. Even though we may be experiencing deep uncertainty and loss, it is important to take stock and look closely at what needs to be changed. This regular class is designed to bust myths and misconceptions about spirituality along the way, as you learn the real meaning of abundance and prosperity, and how to live a life rooted in these principles.

Radical Spiritual Creativity

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