Author: Mariah Morgan

Happy Hanukkah From My Dead Husband, The Latke King

Gifts from beyond the Amtrak Quiet Car. Brothers and Sisters, Let us take a moment to grieve this first Hanukkah without the offerings of The Latke King. Never was there a Goy so skilled in the frying of these, the most important potatoes of the year. He raised the Latke to such an art form,… Read more »

Part Three: Zen Disney

Happy Already In The Happiest Place On Earth My friend Chris loves Disneyland. Loves, loves LOVES Disneyland. He’s the kind of still-in-love with Disneyland that makes it even more magical to be there with him. Ask him what was the best job he ever had and he’ll tell you about taking a job bartending at the Disneyland… Read more »

Part Two: Bloom County

What was the Buddha laughing at anyway? There is nothing in this world more precious than a well-timed fart joke. Let me quickly tell you why lest I anger the deities of high comedy with my impudence. On July 13th of this year, in the midst of my husband’s final days, as he began the… Read more »

Joy Is Not Earned

Grief has a thousand faces. Right now mine wears a pair of Groucho glasses. On August 8th, my husband and partner of twenty years died of stomach cancer. Our eldest son turned 13 three days before he died. Our youngest son was 11. Those are some of the facts. Everything else, is experience. Trying to describe… Read more »