Author: Lindsay Elitharp

I Love New York

Interior view of an empty New York City subway car with red and yellow seats.

When Bill and I travel to New York City as we regularly do, we play a game I made up called NYC Bingo. We’re big into made up games around here, or at least I am while the rest of the gang tolerates happily participates in them. NYC Bingo joins a panoply of dinner table… Read more »

I Was Hit By A Car

Close up of a pedestrian walk signal that is lit.

Ok, so first of all, I’m fine. I really am ok, save for a gnarly bruise on my calf and a case of very rattled nerves. I’m so definitely unscathed compared to how bad it could have been, that I feel embarrassed for even using the phrase I was hit by a car to describe what happened…. Read more »