In the Boob Lounge, no one dances alone. Late October in southern New Hampshire is the time when Mother Nature throws her biggest rave of the year, a trance riot featuring the leaves at peak color. Somehow Her party planning committee comes up with a unique and different palate every year, never once phoning it… Read more »
Friends, I do not rock it old school. When you arrive at my office, which is airy and light and comfortable, you will catch nary a whiff of the lingering trails of incense. I will not greet you dressed in flowy tunics with a shawl or two draped about my person. There are no candles… Read more »
The purpose of life is to create meaning with a joyful heart. Like all of us, I am frequently asked, “So what do you do?”. It’s one of those “social connector” phrases like, “Have a nice day,” or “How’s your day going today, Hon?”or “Sup!”. When we’re motivated by friendliness we employ customary ways of reaching… Read more »
Everything Must Go. On the morning of my 50th birthday party, three weeks after being diagnosed with The Unfortunateness in my right boob, I made a cup of tea and sat down to look at photographs of women who’d had breast cancer surgery. These incredibly brave and helpful women (thank you thank you thank you),… Read more »
October 8th. But first I tell the kids. Have you ever dropped something glass or china and noticed that just as it starts to slip out of your hand, time feels like it’s splitting? I only ask this in the hopes that there are some other equally Klutzy-capital K types out there like me who… Read more »
October 6. Biopsy day. I did not realize my biopsy experience would come complete with a personal fairy godmother. Or how badly I needed one. I entered Dr. Diane Palladino’s exam room too tired to be nervous about the procedure that would remove a sample of cells from the lump growing in my boob for… Read more »
Wednesday, October 5th. Boob Mash Redux. The second-look mammogram was quick, thank goodness, and I was quickly escorted next to what I like to call The Ultrasound Experience. They had very kindly warmed the gel/goo they use for EZ gliding of the ultrasound wand, and an extremely intent radiologist was using it like a computer… Read more »
How I Was Crowned The Prom Queen of WTF World Part 1: Our Intrepid Heroine Receives An October Surprise of Her Very Own. October 3, 2016. My plan for the day: routine annual mammogram, lunch with a friend, then bra shopping. Two chores bookending some incentive. I’d neglected the much-needed new bras for far too long, so I… Read more »
There’s a bathroom in there somewhere Roughly six weeks after my husband’s death, my house cleared its throat and got my attention. I was standing at the kitchen sink, trying to get the right-hand cabinet door to stay shut again (it took the lightest touch and usually several tries) when the thought occurred to me… Read more »
I ask you, is there any creature more gleeful than a child ripping open a birthday package that he suspects contains cold, hard cash and candy? I’ve never seen it if there is. I love watching him. It is magnificent, an unguarded display of absolute glee in abundance that makes me incredibly happy. Also as his parent, horrified…. Read more »
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